Resilient packet ring ( RPR), which is easy to integrate with existing IP intelligence, Ethernet ′ s cost_effectivity and fiber rings ′ bandwidth efficiency and reliability, provides a fairly well metro aggregation solution that might be used by a metro service provider. 弹性分组数据环技术集IP的智能化、以太网的经济性和光纤环网的高带宽效率和可靠性于一体,为宽带IP城域网运营商提供了一个良好的组网方案。
In recent years, as many sorts of data link systems are proposed by military branch of countries, the communications terminals of data link system are required to design as intelligence, standardization, wide bandwidth, versatility and high signal processing rate. 近年来,随着多种新形式的数据链通信系统的出现,各国军事部门对数据链的硬件平台提出了智能化、标准化、宽频带、通用性强和高信号处理速率等方面的要求。